Design Studio 6

Structure Systems

Woodbury University ARCH 384 Spring 2020 Instructor: Eric Olsen

Studio 3B seeks to analyze and develop the complex relationships between form, structure, spatial organization and tectonic qualities through precedent analysis and building design.

Project 1

is an individual effort that develops the vocabularies and taxonomies of structural systems, in the context of a series of abstract examinations of the elements –both discreet and aggregate –, that comprise complex structures. First, three precedents are chosen which best exemplify the term as a structural principle. Second, based on one’s understanding of this term, five original digital models will be designed to depict different essential ways the term may be deployed as a system. Finally, three designs will be chosen to be inputted into different sites (Flat Site, Sloped Site, and Bridge Site).

Project 2

is a two-person team effort that situates the structural logics examined in Project 1, in the context of the Bridge Site (L.A. River at Glendale Boulevard), and program that makes explicit demands of an architectural design. Project 2 will culminate with a coherent building design that is both technically credible and conceptually compelling.

Partner: Jocelyne Diaz

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Studio 7: Comprehensive Design


Studio 5 : House and Housing